Yoni Steam Herbs 3 x 20g Sachets

Completely Me Yoni Steam, made with a combination of natural dried herbs and plants, exclusively for women who wish to practice the ancient method of vaginal steaming

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Completely Me Yoni Steam, made with a combination of natural dried herbs and plants, exclusively for women who wish to practice the ancient method of vaginal steaming. Respected by traditional healers around the world, Yoni steaming is practiced to reconnect with your body and utilize the wisdom of plant medicine to heal your cycle. Our Yoni Steam pack comes with 100% organic flowers and herbs, ethically sourced. Yoni steaming has been reported to reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation, harmonise hormone and menstrual irragularitie, remove unpleasant odours and discharge, may assist fertility, and nourish and tighten vaginal walls. Soothe and revitalize your reproductive system with the ancient practice of Yoni Steaming
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