Sea Miracle - 500ml

Sea Miracle Wellness Booster is made of a rich infusion of Seaweed Extract, African Potato extract and natural oils that benefit the entire body as an all-in-one wellness tonic. It is rich in minerals and has soothing and healing properties when used topically on the skin. Harvested directly from the sea, its benefits include relieving many stomach ailments, assisting with respiratory difficulties, and helping to heal skin conditions. It has shown to be an effective energy booster and all-around “feel good” tonic.

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Benefit Statement:
Why must the customer care?

Harnessing the medicinal properties of plants and oils, Sea Miracle Wellness Booster provides full-body nourishment. It acts as a natural cleanser to rid your body of impurities and toxins. Strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients ease digestive troubles and promote skin vitality.

Top 3 benefits to the customer
What does it do?

•All-round Body Support: Sea Miracle assists in maintaining a healthy blood system, removing toxins, and promoting wound healing, contributing to overall good health.

•Digestive Wellness: It addresses various digestive issues, cleanses the digestive tract, and reduces inflammation, providing relief and supporting better digestion.

•Skin Health: The tonic proves effective in promoting skin health, easing muscle discomfort, and addressing skin problems.

How to use it?

•For Overall Well-being: Individuals can take 15ml (3 teaspoons) daily.

•Sore Throat Relief: Gargle with 5ml to soothe a sore throat.

•Muscle Discomfort and Stiffness: Dissolve 6 capfuls in bath water and relax for 20 minutes.

•Skin Conditions: Apply directly to affected skin before bedtime.

Top 3 active ingredients:
What is it made of, what does it include?

•Seaweed Extract

•African Potato Extract

•Natural Oils

Additional Information

Regular use promises an overall improvement in one's health and vitality.

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